Resultat från Parsonspecialen och en hälsning från domaren Stephanie Parry
Helgen den 3-4 augusti genomfördes Parsonspecialen och klubbens 20-årsjubileum i Mohed i Hälsingland. Hitrest från parsonrasens hemland England för att döma var Stephanie Parry (tid. Collis). På bilden ser vi domaren (t.v.) tillsammans med Parsonklubbens ordförande Isabella Asp.
Resultat Parsonspecialen 2013 >>
Hälsningar från domaren Stephanie Parry, publiceras även i Dog World.
On Saturday August 3rd I was honoured to judge the Swedish Parson Nationality Show. It was the twentieth anniversary of the show which made it even more special for me.
It is always a challenge to judge under slightly different rules but one made so much more exciting by handling some different dogs. On the whole I found a really good standard of Parson with many similar worries to those facing our club / breeders here in the UK – essentially height, movement and coats.
It is imperative we remember that the ideal height for a dog is 14 inches and a bitch 13 inches and breed towards this – there were some dogs that didn’t win higher honours simply because of their size. I also found that generally movement could improve – some dogs were a little close – and I genuinely feel this is one of the most important points to judge a dog on. It’s always hard to keep your dog’s coat looking good all year but there were a few dogs lacking coat at the show and a few with the wrong type of coat – something to work on!
All the dogs shown were in good condition with just a few a little overweight. I hope that all the exhibitors accepted that my critiques were just that – my opinion on the day, and other judges may hold different views. I was happy to see exhibitors enjoying the day!
I am very proud of all my ‘big’ winners and the type that I managed to find within the 50 plus dogs entered.
BIS 1 was the bitch, Nordch, Finch, Dech NV-08 09 11, FINV-09, SEV-09, KBHV-09, Interraw-09, WW-11, Sevch Revefotens Little Spark
BIS 2 was the dog, Nordch, Finch, Intch, Nordjv-09, Finjv-09, Sv-11, Nv-10, Dkv-10,11 Kbhv-10,11,12 Rustic Russell P. Belvedere
BIS 3 was the dog Sequidilla’s Kurt Coban
BIS 4 was the bitch J Nordch, Finch, Sloch, Nordjv-06, Sev-06 07, Nordv- 06 07, Intch, Sevch, Novch Revefotens Wannabe Busy Lizzie
BIS 5 was the bitch Revefotens Pippa Singleton
Thanks to all the committee / organisers who looked after me so brilliantly from the minute I got off the plane, and made me feel very much at home. I had a great time and was particularly impressed by the meal that everyone – exhibitors and organisers – enjoyed together after the show. I wish we could find more time to do that in the UK with our fellow enthusiasts.
Stephanie Parry